Tuesday 23 April 2013

the birth of a Neuro-Linker and Nerve gear (based on Accel World and Sword Art Online Anime)


Based on the latest developments in neuro-technology, Emotiv has developed a revolutionary new personal interface for human computer interaction.  The Emotiv EPOC is a high resolution, neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset.  It uses a set of sensors to tune into electric signals produced by the brain to detect player thoughts, feelings and expressions and connects wirelessly to most PCs.

Please note: If you or any of your 3rd party applications require access to Raw EEG, you will need to purchase the Emotiv EEG Neuroheadset.

Headset Features:

  • Limited edition design 
  • 14 saline sensors offer optimal positioning for accurate spatial resolution 
  • Gyroscope generates optimal positional information for cursor and camera controls 
  • Hi-performance wireless gives users total range of motion 
  • Dongle is USB compatible and requires no custom drivers 
  • Lithium Battery provides 12 hours of continuous use
The limited edition EPOC is now available to customers worldwide and early users will have access to the Emotiv App Store and the very first games and programs developed exclusively for this one-of-a-kind neuro-technology platform. Developers are currently utilizing Emotiv EPOC technology in a variety of new and exciting ways.
Artistic and creative expression - Use your thoughts, feeling, and emotion to dynamically create color, music, and art.
Life changing applications for disabled patients, such as controlling an electric wheelchair, mind-keyboard, or playing a hands-free game.
Games & Virtual Worlds - Experience the fantasy of controlling and influencing the virtual environment with your mind. Play games developed specifically for the EPOC, or use the EmoKey to connect to current PC games and experience them in a completely new way.
Market Research & Advertising - get true insight about how people respond and feel about material presented to them. Get real-time feedback on user enjoyment and engagement. 

Included Free with the Emotiv EPOC: EmoKey

EmoKey links the Emotiv technology to your applications by easily converting detected events into any combination of keystrokes. EmoKey is a nonintrusive, lightweight, background process that runs behind your existing applications or games. EmoKey lets you create profiles that define how detections are mapped to keystroke combinations. Your profiles can then be saved and shared so you can use profiles that your friends have created for your favorite games and software. EmoKey profiles can be as simple as linking the Expressiv smile detection to characters such as ":)", so that chat applications instantly know when you smile. Or they can be as complex as linking a "lift" command to a sequence of keystrokes that trigger a levitation spell in a game. When combined, the Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset and Emokey make your inputs more simple, personal, natural, and direct. There's no need for keystroke combinations, simply smile or focus on a command and your applications respond. Use EmoKey to interact with your digital applications like instant messaging and virtual environments, or experience your current PC games in a completely new way. 

You want It?
Check it here http://www.emotiv.com/store/headset.php

Sunday 21 April 2013

StarDock Objectdock Plus Free Downloads!!!

ObjectDock 2.0?
●Simple UI

●Icon effects

●Skinnable, including reflections and blur-behind.

●“Folder-View” tabs (Windows 7)

●Quickly rearrange your tabs by drag & drop

●Adds running tasks to the dock automatically

●Imports your quick launch & pinned links

System Requirements
Windows 7/Vista (32/64-bit) or Windows XP (32-bit)
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher
40MB free drive space
ObjectDock, Fun meets Useful. An Animated Dock for Windows!

ScreenShoots :

Link Download : Click Here
it's Free and Fast

eBuddy Chat

Use eBuddy for all Chat Applications in Mobile Phones + Blackberry

All your MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Google Talk and Facebook buddies in one single buddylist!
Chat on all devices, everywhere
Don’t have a PC? And don’t want to install anything on your mobile? Chat directly in your mobile browser with eBuddy Lite Messenger.
eBuddy Lite Messenger works on any device with an internet connection. There are also special versions for iPhone, iPod Touch and the Sony PSP.
Now, you can really chat everywhere you go!
Easy-to-use, no download
eBuddy Lite Messenger does not require you to download anything your mobile phone. Just start chatting in the mobile browser!
It’s free, fast and easy-to-use.
Chat with all your friends
Do you have friends on both MSN and Yahoo? Or you have two MSN accounts? No problem! With eBuddy Lite Messenger you can have all your buddies from multiple IM accounts in one single list.
What if your friends are offline? With eBuddy Lite Messenger you can send offline messages to your friends and they will get them as soon as they come online. You can also receive offline messages.
Personalize eBuddy
Personalize your eBuddy Lite Messenger as you like. You can make it speak your language, because eBuddy Lite Messenger is available in 26 different languages. Organize your friends in groups and set your personal message.
Also, don’t be afraid to express yourself in your chat. Use emoticons to personalize your chat exactly like you want it :-) .

Download eBuddy for Blackberry

download here!!! E-buddy

if your phones model not listed on them, try us it :

Keylogger 2013

Perfect Keylogger 1.7 + SN

Keylogger pasti ud pada tau lah ??

Tapi cara settingnya cari sendiri ya.. jangan sampai ketahuan... sama OP warnet, bisa-bisa lo bonyok !!!

Link Neh  http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?f7beil2bcrxxih7

Name: Tutsch Dietmar
Password : www.bandungcheater.net

buat full versionya...

Dilarang di Jual !!!!

Credit : Yan Kristian @ Bandung Cheater

Hati-hati banget takut ketahuan... Lebih
 untuk belajar cara setting coba di komputer sendiri yang menggunakan keylogger

Copyform : http://www.bandungcheater.net/2011/01/perfect-keylogger-17-sn.html

WINDOWS 8 Pro aktivator.

Diatas adalah contoh windows 8 yang sudah teraktivitasi.
untuk activatornya. dikirim via e-mail/Fb/twitter/Ym.
takut nanti dibanned sama micro***t

ini linknya : http://29-revolustions.blogspot.com/2013/04/contact-eza-profesionals-pc-and-laptop.html

Friday 19 April 2013

CCleaner, Solusi registry bermasalah...

Link download CCleaner :kilk disini

CCleaner - Ulasan dan TestimonialOptimasi dan PembersihanBBC"Aku berada di situasi ini sendiri baru-baru, dengan hanya 120MB cadangan di C:. Berkendara Setelah menginstal dan menjalankan CCleaner, aku ditinggalkan dengan 650MB!"Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/4618739.stmWashington Post"Pastikan Anda men-download versi portabel dari Piriform yang Registry cleaner dan alat perbaikan. Selain mencari dan menghapus item yang rusak dalam Windows Registry, membersihkan keluar bit Internet Explorer yang dapat membahayakan privasi Anda (seperti cache dan cookie), menghapus fragmen file chkdsk, mengelola restore point, dan melakukan berbagai macam tugas-tugas lain. "Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/07/AR2009120702304.htmlPC World"Pencarian CCleaner melalui sejumlah program dan menghapus file yang tidak berguna. Ini sangat dapat dikonfigurasi, memungkinkan Anda untuk memilih mana masalah yang harus dicari dan yang item untuk diabaikan."Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/fid ,24149-order ,1-page, 1/description.htmlKim Komando - Radio Show"Bila Anda menggunakan PC Anda, ada banyak jejak meninggalkan seluruh. Ada riwayat Web, file dan cookie sementara Windows '. Untungnya, program gratis ini membuat pekerjaan mudah untuk menyingkirkan mereka jejak."Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://www.komando.com/downloads/category.aspx?id=1767Lifehacker"Anda mungkin akan terkejut berapa banyak ruang disk dapat memulihkan - pada kenyataannya, itu berhasil membersihkan 1.6GB omong kosong dari PC saya."Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://lifehacker.com/384990/ccleaner-20-decrapifies-your-pcAmbil Skuad"CCleaner telah lama menjadi aplikasi favorit pembaca kami, dan pengembang yang terus menambahkan perbaikan program yang sudah besar."Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://www.downloadsquad.com/2009/01/22/ccleaner-adds-another-c-chrome-cleanup/Financial Times"Tidak ada kekurangan baik, bebas hard drive berkas pembersih tapi favorit saya adalah CCleaner Piriform, yang cepat dan andal menghapus file yang tidak terpakai dan sementara, cookie, sejarah browsing, file dalam recycle bin dan detritus digital lainnya yang dapat menyumbat sistem atau kompromi anonimitas Anda. Sebagai bonus, itu juga memeriksa registri Windows untuk entri yang tidak valid. "Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ca4e1c1a-e8a7-11dd-a4d0-0000779fd2ac.html?nclick_check=1Savannah Morning News"Saya merekomendasikan sebuah program gratis yang disebut CCleaner, freeware sistem optimasi, privasi dan membersihkan alat. Ini akan menghapus file yang tidak terpakai dari sistem anda, memungkinkan Windows untuk berjalan lebih cepat dan membebaskan ruang hard disk yang berharga."Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://savannahnow.com/west-chatham/2010-01-05/bring-old-pc-back-speedPC Guy - NorthJersey.com"Hapus file fragmen, file-file sementara, file duplikat dan kekacauan lainnya, menghapus Web trek dan membersihkan registri Anda dengan semua tujuan optimasi dan sistem pembersihan alat. Bahkan memiliki add / remove program utilitas kuat daripada Windows 'sendiri. Anda dapat juga menggunakan CCleaner untuk mengontrol apa program start up ketika Anda boot komputer Anda. "Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://www.northjersey.com/news/Top_10_Free_Software_Utilities_of_2009.html?page=allThe Independent"Jika sistem anda telah memperlambat merangkak, jangan putus asa, men-download CCleaner, sebuah PC Decrapifier fantastis dan memberikan komputer Anda musim semi cepat bersih. Mampu mengidentifikasi dan membersihkan file nyasar, cookies dan akumulasi detritus digital lainnya, CCleaner dapat membuat perbedaan besar dan terbaik dari semua, freebie nya a. "Baca ulasan lengkap di:
Daily Telegraph"Bagi mereka yang tahu di mana mencarinya komputer Anda berisi harta karun informasi tentang apa yang Anda bangun untuk, serius mengorbankan privasi dan keamanan CCleaner menghilangkan itu semua dalam satu operasi singkat,. Mudah digunakan dan penting bagi bagian Anda keberatan. "Baca ulasan lengkap di:
The Guardian"Seiring waktu komputer Anda menjadi berantakan dengan program berlebihan dan file-file sementara. Karena file ini sulit untuk menghapus secara manual, perusahaan perangkat lunak Piriform menciptakan sebuah aplikasi bernama CCleaner, yang melakukan pekerjaan untuk Anda."Baca ulasan lengkap di:http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/jan/18/speed-up-pc-computer

Koleksi Black On Paper